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苹果首席财务官卢卡马埃斯特里表达信心,称iPhone制造商在第三季度向股东返还了320亿美元。 全系屏幕增大!iPhone 16系列最新曝光内容汇总|摄像头|智能手机|旗舰机型|性能黑科技|iphone

发布时间:2024-09-06 11:52:42  来源:互联网整理  浏览:   【】【】【

苹果首席财务官卢卡马埃斯特里表达信心,称iPhone制造商在第三季度向股东返还了320亿美元。 全系屏幕增大!iPhone 16系列最新曝光内容汇总|摄像头|智能手机|旗舰机型|性能黑科技|iphone 


Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has continued its robust capital return program, returning over $32 billion to shareholders in the third quarter of fiscal year 2024.

What Happened: During the earnings call, Apple's CFO Luca Maestri provided details on the company's capital allocation strategy.

"During the quarter, we returned over $32 billion to shareholders, including $3.9 billion in dividends and equivalents and $26 billion through open market repurchases of 139 million Apple shares," Maestri stated.

The company also announced its next dividend payment, with Maestri saying, "Today our Board of Directors has declared a cash dividend of $0.25 per share of common stock payable on Aug. 15, to shareholders of record as of Aug. 12."

This substantial return of capital to shareholders comes amid a quarter of strong financial performance for Apple. The company reported a new June quarter revenue record of $85.8 billion, up 5% year-over-year, with earnings per share growing to $1.40, also a June quarter record.

Why It Matters: Apple's strong financial performance in the third quarter is noteworthy, especially considering the company's recent challenges. On Thursday, Apple reported earnings that exceeded expectations, with revenue growing year-over-year.

Earlier in the day, analysts had anticipated that Apple's third-quarter results would signal an inflection in topline growth. The June quarter is typically slow for Apple, but the company managed to report growth in both revenue and earnings per share.

Moreover, Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has significantly benefited from its stake in Apple, roughly 5.1% of the company. And it's a significant stake for Berkshire, representing over 40% of its portfolio, earning substantial dividends annually.

Price Action: Apple's stock closed at $218.36 on Thursday, down 1.68% for the day. In after-hours trading, the stock increased by 0.57%. Year to date, Apple's stock has risen by 17.63%, according to data from Benzinga Pro.

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Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of AI tools and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.

全系屏幕增大!iPhone 16系列最新曝光内容汇总|摄像头|智能手机|旗舰机型|性能黑科技|iphone

随着科技的不断进步和消费者对智能手机需求的日益增长,苹果公司即将在2024年秋季发布其全新的iPhone 16系列,这一消息引起了广泛关注。据悉,iPhone 16系列将包括四款机型:iPhone 16、iPhone 16 Plus、iPhone 16 Pro以及iPhone 16 Pro Max。这四款机型在配置、设计以及功能等方面均有所区别,以满足不同消费者的需求。

iPhone 16

iPhone 16作为系列中的基础款,虽然不如Pro系列那样高端,但同样带来了不少升级。据爆料,iPhone 16将搭载全新的A18芯片,并采用台积电N3E制程技术,在性能和能效比上均有显著提升。此外,iPhone 16将全系标配8GB运行内存,以应对iOS 18系统中新引入的Apple Intelligence功能所带来的高内存需求。

在外观设计上,iPhone 16采用了垂直摄像头布局,与之前的对角线布局不同,这一变化预计将支持空间视频录制功能。同时,iPhone 16还将配备一个全新的物理“拍摄按钮”,该按钮位于机身侧面,支持短按对焦、重按拍摄以及滑动变焦等多种功能,极大地提升了拍照的便捷性。

iPhone 16 Plus

iPhone 16 Plus作为大屏版本,在配置上与iPhone 16相似,但屏幕尺寸更大,为用户带来更加宽广的视觉体验。据称,iPhone 16 Plus将采用与iPhone 16相同的A18芯片和8GB运行内存,确保在多任务处理和大型应用运行时依然流畅。

在电池续航方面,iPhone 16 Plus预计将配备比iPhone 15 Plus更大的电池,以延长使用时间。同时,它也将支持更快的充电技术,让用户能够更快地补充电量。

iPhone 16 Pro

iPhone 16 Pro作为系列中的旗舰机型,在配置和设计上均达到了新的高度。首先,iPhone 16 Pro将搭载性能更强的A18 Pro芯片,这款芯片在计算能力和能效比上均优于A18芯片,为用户带来更加出色的使用体验。

在拍照方面,iPhone 16 Pro的主摄像头将升级为4800万像素的超广角镜头,并使用更大尺寸的IMX903传感器,提升暗光环境下的拍摄效果。同时,它还将配备5倍潜望式长焦镜头,取代之前的3倍变焦镜头,为用户提供更加丰富的拍摄选择。

此外,iPhone 16 Pro还将支持Wi-Fi 7技术和骁龙X75调制解调器,实现更高速的下载和上传速度。在屏幕尺寸上,iPhone 16 Pro的屏幕将从英寸增加到英寸,为用户带来更加震撼的视觉体验。

iPhone 16 Pro Max

作为系列中的最大屏幕版本,iPhone 16 Pro Max在配置上与iPhone 16 Pro相似,但屏幕尺寸更大,达到了英寸。这一变化不仅为用户带来了更加宽广的视觉体验,还使得手机在观影、游戏等场景下的表现更加出色。

在电池续航方面,iPhone 16 Pro Max预计将配备更大的电池容量,以应对大屏带来的更高能耗。同时,它也将支持更快的充电技术,让用户能够更快地补充电量。

在拍照和摄像方面,iPhone 16 Pro Max与iPhone 16 Pro保持一致,均搭载了4800万像素的超广角镜头和5倍潜望式长焦镜头,为用户提供出色的拍摄体验。


iPhone 16系列在配置、设计以及功能等方面均进行了全面升级和改进,为用户带来更加出色的使用体验。无论是基础款的iPhone 16和iPhone 16 Plus,还是旗舰款的iPhone 16 Pro和iPhone 16 Pro Max,都各有特色,满足不同消费者的需求。随着发布会的临近,我们期待苹果能够为我们带来更多惊喜。

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